Creating in Joy’s Studio

Daily practice of using a magazine fragment to interpret in colored pencil and watercolor pencil and create studies on color schemes. This is done in the colors reds and greens . I think this is a wonderful method for feeding your creativity but also doing practice in design which can be saved in a journal for future abstract in a larger scale

Creative Connection and Art Night
Creative Connection and Art Night
I am opening my art studio to a create with Joy for any creative that wants to join me
The group will be free
Tuesday one day a month
Bring your creative material
To create with or even share
Tuesday last day of the month
Contact Joy Hellman
910-528-7283 to find out more and to join.
Beginning in the Fall
Intuitive Painting and Process I begin my own process with mark making and activating the canvas I also allow my intuition to guide my hand and brush with every shape and color.

Finished painting after thirty five days an intuitive process